We develop
sustainable improvement in the leadership effectiveness
of individuals and organizations
BlueLeader™ Model
We broke leadership down to its essence to identify the fundamental skills and mindset that have the greatest impact on leadership effectiveness. Most of the concepts that make up our BlueLeader™ model are not new, but they are organized and taught in a way that achieves sustainable improvement in leadership effectiveness for individuals and organizations.
How We Transform Victims into Leaders
Our programs teach practical skills and methods that can be applied to transform victims into leaders. Most managers do not understand how relationships, working environments, and current performance levels were created, and even more importantly, they don’t know how to change them. These managers view themselves as victims of the relationships and working environment of the teams they are given and of the performance they obtain. We help managers understand their role in creating the relationships and situations they face and their responsibility as leaders to improve them. We coach them on how to use their newly developed leadership skills to produce the improvements they desire. We help managers shift their mindset from one of being a victim, accepting what they are given, to one of being a leader who can improve working relationships and environments in order to get what they want.
Leadership effectiveness is the result of applying simple and practical skills.

We are so confident in the quality of our training programs and consulting services that we offer a satisfaction guarantee; if for any reason you are not satisfied with a service we delivered, we will not invoice that service.
Our Leadership Training Programs develop the mindset and skills critical for transforming managers into leaders and achieving sustainable improvement in leadership effectiveness.The concepts that make up our Blue-Leader™ model are not new, but they are organized and delivered in a way that allows people to develop a deeper understanding of themselves as leaders and of the responsibilities associated to their leadership role.
Sustainable Improvement
The development methodology combined with the skills and mindset taught tend to result in a significant and sustainable improvement in leadership effectiveness.
Experienced Coaches
Our programs are delivered by proven leaders who can provide practical answers to “real world” questions and offer realistic solutions to participants’ current problems.
Change Behavior
Our programs allow people, teams, and organizations to break through their current barriers and evolve to the next level of leadership effectiveness.
Coaching Intensive
We develop functional skills through intensive coaching sessions.

Simple & Practical
The skills we develop in our programs are simple to understand and easy to use - everything learned can be applied back in the organization the very next day.
Develop Mindset
The development process we use enables participants to see the mindset behind their leadership style and helps them identify how they can adapt their mindset to obtain the results they desire.
Steps for Developing a Leadership Skill
1) Present Practical Models
Once the importance of a skill or method is established, the presentations focus on providing examples to show how to use the skills to resolve real problems or increase results obtained.
2) Increase Self-Awareness
Participant’s effectiveness in the particular area is determined using an objective 360-degree assessment tool. In the areas in which participants receive low scores, the coaches provide them with personalized coaching and customized methods to increase their effectiveness in light of the specific situations.
3) Develop the Skills
Most of the time is spent developing functional skills. In most skill-building sessions participants are asked to resolve a situation using their style and then are asked to do the same exercise by applying the coach’s advice. Participants then ask their peers which method was better and why. Skill are developed step-by-step, alternating practice, feedback, and coaching until the desired level of competence is obtained.
4) Create an Action Plan
Throughout the program participants fill out “possible action” forms that describe specific actions they can implement to make a needed improvement. At the end of the program, participants use their “possible action” sheets as the basis for creating their personal evolution plan.
5) Attend a One-to-one Coaching Session
At the end of the program, participants receive a one-on-one coaching session which they can use to: better understand their feedback report; review their evolution plan; or obtain further advice on how to resolve particular problems they face back in the organization.
6) Receive Follow-up Coaching
When the leadership program is part of an organizational leadership development effort, participants will receive 3x3 coaching after the program.
We develop functional skills that achieve
sustainable improvement
in leadership effectiveness
Our Leadership Programs Facilitate Cultural Change
Our Blue-Leader model is made up of a network of essential competencies that can be used to:
improve leadership effectiveness
improve performance
increase capability in change management
facilitate organizational change
Leaders Create the Culture
The culture of an organization is created by its leaders and can only be changed by them. The success of every cultural-change effort depends on the effectiveness of the organization's leaders.
Need for Leadership Development in Cultural Change
Once the change strategy is developed, the cultural change effort shifts its focus to building the leadership capability of the organization. The first step is to develop leaders' ability to guide their teams through change; the second step is to build the leadership structures critical for supporting the team leaders in implementing the change. Having a strong leadership base creates the foundation upon which the employees can be engaged and the culture can be changed.
Leadership Skills Required in Cultural Change
Leading people and organizations through cultural change requires mastery of a different set of skills than required to manage day-to-day operations.
Cultural change requires skills such as:
How to motivate and empower people to do things differently
How to coach people through behavioral change
How to obtain and spread buy-in to the change project
How to spread the engagement throughout the team and organization
How to overcome people's resistance to change
How to identify and remove inhibitors that are blocking the change project
How to create and manage momentum throughout the transformation process
Our Blue-Leader™ Model Supports Cultural Change Projects
Our Blue-Leader™ model is designed to support cultural change efforts. It develops the special skills, structure, and leadership systems for leading people and organizations through cultural change.
These development efforts focus on the leadership effectiveness of the organization. There are three levels of organizational development;
develop leadership skills throughout the organization,
increase the effectiveness of leaders in a specific role, and
create a high-performance leadership culture.
The improvements in leadership at the organizational level are easier to sustain than those focused on the individuals. The changes are anchored into the culture which limits the negative impact caused by leaders moving in and out of the organization.
These development efforts focus on the effectiveness of individual leaders. They aim at developing specific skills or a skill set the individual needs to take on a new leadership role. The improvements obtained are personal and are applied wherever the individual goes.
Skill building
These are the easiest training programs to deliver. They can be organized in unlimited ways and delivered through digital or class-room training programs. These programs can be delivered by trainers who focus on the clarity of their message.

5 Levels of Leadership Development
Level 5
Develop a High-Performance Culture
Focus: Develop all leaders and build leadership structure
Organizational Development
Level 4
Increase Leader Effectiveness
Focus: Develop all leaders in the organization (behavioral-change programs)
Level 3
Develop Leadership Competence
Focus: Develop all leaders in the organization (skill-building programs)
Leader Development
Level 2
Behavioral-Change Programs
Focus: Develop effectiveness of selected leaders
Level 1
Skill-Building Programs
Focus: Develop leadership skills of selected leaders

Behavioral-Change Efforts
Behavioral change requires an evolution in the mindset. These programs must be structured to facilitate a change in mindset and delivered by proven leaders who can gain the respect of participants and effectively coach them.