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Key Services of Pulscipline™ 

Develop Fondation for Change
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Training Program


Indicative Content (cont.) 

Difference between Cultural Change and Project Management
  • Differences between cultural change, change management, project management

  • Imperatives for implementing change

  • Critical components of a cultural-change strategy

How to Change the Culture of an Organization
  • How the current culture can facilitate or inhibit change

  • Steps for implementing cultural change

  • Principles, practices, and blind spots for implementing cultural change

Change Strategy and Roadmap
  • Components missing in most change strategies and the weaknesses they cause

  • How to merge the business and cultural strategies to achieve the results desired

  • Understand the sequence and timing of actions needed to create a robust roadmap

Structure and Systems for Change
  • Key components of the support structure critical for implementing change

  • Leadership systems needed to implement the change

Measurement System
  • Key elements to measure

  • How to create the measurement  system and use it to guide the transformation process

  • How to use the results to guide the transformation

Directing People through Change
  • Role of the Management Team in the transformation process

  • How to empower and support team leaders throughout the transformation process

  • How to manage motivation and momentum throughout the transformation process

  • How to increase buy-in and engagement 

  • How to overcome peoples' resistance to change

  • How to create and manage a positive energy for change

  • How habits can facilitate or resist a change effort - how to change peoples’ habits



We deliver a customized version of our Directing Organizations Through Cultural Change program to provide the management team with the understanding, models, and best practices critical for setting up and directing a cultural-change project with a high probability of success.


This program will build the foundation needed to:

  • Create a robust cultural-change strategy and roadmap

  • Build the structure and systems needed to implement the change

  • Create the measurement system and tool

  • Create a strategy to identify and remove inhibitors of change

  • Better support and drive the transformation process

Who For 

Top management team and key stakeholders

Results Expected 

  • Increase the probabilty of success of the cultural-change effort

  • Reduce the amount of time required to make the change

  • Reduce the amount of resources needed to make the change

  • Develop a strong alignment of the leadership team 

  • Better handle the different forms of resistance

  • Make better decisions through the transformation process


1-2 days depending on the complication of the change effort

Indicative Content 

Inhibitors of Change
  • Common traps, blind spots, and derailment factors that cause most change projects to fail

  • 5 forms of inhibitors of change and how to overcome them

  • How to overcome the initial wall of resistance

  • How to create and use the inhibitors strategy to identify and eliminate inhibitors​

Fine-tune Change Strategy
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Fine-tune the Change Strategy



The strategy workshop is designed to fine-tune the cultural-change strategy and design the project structure needed to achieve the organization’s cultural-change objectives.

Who For

The management team and others responsible for directing the cultural-change effort


In this workshop we present key principles, models, and methodologies for implementing cultural change. The presentation of a group of concepts is immediately followed by a mini workshop where the participants put into practice what they have learned to fine-tune a specific element of their cultural-change strategy.

Key Deliverables of the Workshop

  • A robust and complete cultural-change strategy

  • A measurement tool and system

  • A step-by-step roadmap for achieving the desired changes

  • A clear and motivating vision

  • An inhibitors' strategy to identify and overcome inhibitors of change

Results Expected

  • Strengthen the buy-in and alignment of the top team

  • Increase the probability of success of the endeavor

  • Reduce the time and resources needed to implement the change

  • Overcome inhibitors of change quicker and easier

  • Reduce the time in getting the change project off the ground

  • Provide better support to team leaders

  • Make better strategic decisions based on quality data



It is not recommended to try to complete the cultural-change strategy in one workshop. The cultural-change strategy, support structure, and implementation plan is best developed by alternating workshops and work conducted by the top team.


Initial Strategy Workshop (usually 2 days)

The initial workshop is designed to bring the change strategy, implementation plan and monitoring tool to the next level and provide the Management Team with the understanding and guidance needed for them to complete their strategy.



After the initial strategy workshop, the Change Architect provides selected individuals with the support they need to continue to fine-tune the cultural-change strategy, change systems, and implementation plan.


Follow-up Strategy Workshop (usually 1-2 days)

Once the strategy is nearing maturity, a second workshop of 1 to 2 days is usually organized with the Management Team to finalize their change strategy and prepare for the launch of the change.

Launching-Change Program
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Leading-Change Program 

for All Leaders


Developing leaders is a critical step of the change process. When done well, it significantly reduces the time, effort, and resources needed to implement the desired changes. The Leading-Change programs empower the leaders and launch the transformation process. In these programs leaders develop the basic leadership and change-agent skills critical for leading their teams through change. Yet, this is the moment in the transformation process where the resistance is the strongest. It is the role of the Leading-Change programs to get the change effort off of the ground and provide the momentum necessary to ensure further progress. In order to accomplish this, the programs are delivered every 3 to 6 weeks to send waves of highly motivated leaders with new skills to weaken and eventually break down the initial wall of inhibitors.


Indicative Contents


Develop Leadership / Change Agent Skills

The program develops the skills leaders need to motivate people, overcome resistances, lead their teams through change, develop high performance working environments, and continuously improve performance.

Change Management

Participants are introduced to practical models for cultural change that can be immediately applied to lead their teams through change.

Review the Change Strategy

Participants are presented with the details of their cultural change strategy, support systems, the role they play and what support they can expect to receive.

Q&A Session + Dinner with Top Leaders

On the third evening of the program, the top leaders will conduct a Q&A session and then have dinner with the participants. The follow-up dinner conversations allow participants to determine the alignment and commitment of management team members to the change effort.

Leadership 360˚ Feedback

Participants receive a 360˚ feedback to evaluate their effectiveness in leading people. Questions focus on the specific skills developed in the program.

Personalized Coaching

Participants receive personal advice throughout the program, and a 1-2-1 coaching session to further understand their 360˚ feedback , how to improve their targeted development areas, and how they can implement change with their team.


4 days


We deliver a customized version of our Leading-Change program to review the details of the of the organization’s change strategy and develop the leadership and change management skills participants need to lead their teams through the desired change.


  • To obtain the needed level of buy-in to the organization’s change strategy

  • To develop essential leadership and change agent skills

  • To provide a methodology for leading people and teams through change

  • To personally implicate each participant in the advancement of the change project

Who For  Leaders of functions, departments and teams 

Results Expected

For the Participants
  • Understand their current leadership style and pinpoint how to improve their effectiveness

  • Develop a toolbox of simple and practical leadership and change agent tools and skills

  • Increase their effectiveness in leading people and confidence in handling difficult situations

  • Increase the performance of the people and teams they lead

  • Know their role in the change project and how to lead their people and teams through change

For the Organization
  • Obtain the buy-in from a critical mass of leaders

  • Get through the first wall of resistors

  • Generate the momentum necessary to ensure further progress

  • Inject positive energy into the organization

  • Increase the organization's capability for change

  • Begin the process of transforming managers into leaders



Pulse Survey
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The PulseSurvey is a measurement tool that periodically measures the progress made by the organization and different departments in implementing desired changes. When used correctly the PulseSurvey becomes the best eyes and ears top management has for really knowing what is working, what is not working, and the progress made in the cultural-change effort. The objective and transparent data it provides takes the fuzziness out of directing the organization through cultural change.  



  • Provides the management team with direct, uninterpreted answers to key questions.

  • Provides objective and transparent data on the current state of the change project.

  • Reveals the strength of current inhibitors affecting the project.

  • Identifies areas in the organization having difficulties implementing the change.

  • Provides the data needed to determine the next step actions in the change process.

  • Allows different areas of the organization to compare progress.

  • Provides employees with a transparent analysis of the progress made.

  • Serves as an “accelerator-injection” to the change process.


Common Areas Measured


  • Buy-in - Measures the quality of the vision and buy-in to the Change Strategy

  • Directing Change - Measures the effectiveness of the top management in leading the change effort

  • Engagement - Measures the degree of engagement of employees in implementing the change

  • Leading Change - Measures the effectiveness of team leaders in leading their teams through change

  • Progress Made - Measures the current position on the path from “A” to “B” in key areas to change

  • Momentum - Measures the momentum of change



Services We Offer


Facilitate the Design of the PulseSurvey

Experience has shown that the most effective PulseSurveys are those created by the top managers. This ensures they understand the importance of each question and know how to best use the results. It also stops managers from trying to discredit the survey questions if they do not like the results they are getting from the survey. For these reasons, we do not provide already made questions for the survey, but facilitate the process of creating the questions by the management team. 


We provide the following assistance:

  • Present examples of PulseSurveys to review types of questions used and how to organize the survey.

  • Advise on the effectiveness of proposed questions based on our experience in analyzing PulseSurvey data.

  • Advise on how to set up the PulseSurvey to maximize efficiency while still providing the information needed.


Administer the PulseSurvey

In order to obtain realistic data, employees must be able to answer the questions in a confidential manner. Being external to the organization, we are able to administer the PulseSurvey and guarantee complete confidentiality.


Analyze the Results of the PulseSurvey

We provide a full analysis of the PulseSurvey data, which is often presented back to top management as part of a PulseStrategy.


Pulse Strategy
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Two Levels of Strategy


1) Organization PulseStrategy™

The Organization PulseStrategy™ is a comprehensive analysis of the change effort relative to the organization. The PulseStrategy™ report is provided to all leaders of the organization and is presented in a 3 hr. meeting open to all leaders.


  • Identify the 3 next step actions the organization should implement

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the support provided

  • Identify departments who are having difficulties and how to better support them

  • Suggest corrections for actions that did not achieve their objectives

  • Suggest actions to overcome current and upcoming inhibitors


2) Department PulseStrategy™

The Department PulseStrategy™ is a short analysis of the PulseSurvey data of the department. The results of the analysis are shared orally with the department leader during their PulseStrategy™ Session.


  • Provide an objective and transparent evaluation of the department’s progress

  • Determine the degree of engagement of the leaders and team members

  • Determine the effectiveness and maturity of the leadership systems put in place

  • Identify methods to overcome the current inhibitors the department is facing

  • Determine specific actions to align the departments' situation with that of the organization


The PulseStrategy™ is a 3-month strategy designed to move the organization to the next step in the change process. Each PulseStrategy™ concludes with 3 key actions to focus on for the next 3 months to move the organization to the next step of the change process. The PulseStrategies™ are the backbone of the Pulscipline™ Cultural-Change System. They allow the organization to allocate its limited resources on the actions needed to overcome the current inhibitors and move the organization forward.


What is Analyzed 

The PulseStrategy™ analysis is based on PulseSurvey data, feedback from the Leading Change programs and PulseStrategy Sessions along with other interactions the change architect has.


  • Analyze the position of the organization on its journey from “Point A “to “Point B”

  • Analyze the progress made since the last PulseSurvey and current level of momentum

  • Analyze management’s strengths and weakness in leading and supporting the change 

  • Analyze the percentage of leaders engaged at each level of leadership

  • Analyze the effectiveness of team leaders in leading their teams through change

  • Analyze the buy-in and engagement of team members throughout the organization

  • Analyze the maturity of implemented leadership systems

  • Analyze the effectiveness of the support systems, project structure, and methodology

  • Analyze the successes and failures of recent actions

  • Analyze the current inhibitors and forms of resistance blocking progress

PulseStrategy™ Sessions 

PulseStrategy™ Sessions 
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Department PulseStrategy™ Session

The purpose of a Department PulseStrategy™ Session is to create the next step implementation strategy for one department which is represented as a group in the PulseSurvey. These are usually 60-minute sessions.


Organization PulseStrategy™ Session

Organization leaders and managers of large functions represented by several departments in the PulseSurvey require a modified approach that we call “Organization PulseStrategy™ Sessions”. In these sessions the Change Architect will review with the top leader the results of the PulseStrategy™ Sessions and PulseSurvey for the different departments reporting to them and identify how the top leader can best support the different departments. These sessions are usually 90 minutes.





  • If the PulseLeadership Training is held prior to the PulseStrategy™ Sessions, the delivery time of the PulseStrategy™ Sessions can be reduced by a half hour; the Department PulseStrategy™ Sessions would be reduced from 1 ½ hrs to 1 hr. and the Organization PulseStrategy™ Sessions can be reduced from 2 hours to 1 ½ hrs.


  • If a senior leader’s direct report(s) also have a PulseStrategy™ Session, the session for the more senior leader should be scheduled after those of their direct reports.


  • The PulseStrategy™ Sessions for the top organization leader should be scheduled last.



The PulseStrategy™ Sessions are periodic 1-on-1 strategic meetings with top leaders to provide them with the coaching and strategic support needed to move their department to the next step in the change process. 


For Who 

As a general rule, the leader of a department represented in the PulseSurvey should participate in PulseStrategy™ Sessions. 


Some Benefits

  • Efficiently aligns leaders throughout the organization in implementing common actions

  • Ensures leaders know how to move their department the next step of the change strategy

  • Identifies a limited number of key actions to focus on and prioritizes them

  • Provides personal coaching and development that motivates stalled leaders into action


How Often 

Experience has shown that the best results are obtained with PulseStrategy™ Sessions scheduled every six weeks.


Basic Structure of a PulseStrategy™ Session 

The primary objective of a PulseStrategy™ Session is to determine the actions to focus on to move the department to the next step of the change process.


The flow of a PulseStrategy™ Session:
  1. Review the department PulseSurvey ™ results (for sessions following a PulseSurvey)

  2. Analyze the results of the actions implemented by the department in the last 6 weeks

  3. Analyze the effectiveness of team leaders in the department and the quality of support received

  4. Identify current inhibitors the department is facing and determine ways to overcome them

  5. Determine the key actions to implement for the next 6 weeks

PulseLeadership™ Training 

for All Leaders

PulseLeadership™ Training 
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At each step of the change process, there are different skills, systems, and objectives that need to be implemented. Leading cultural change requires managers to continuously evolve their behavior and leadership effectiveness. A PulseLeadership Training session is a 2-3 hour training offered to all leaders designed to reinforce the understanding and skills they need to build the next system, overcome a specific inhibitor or achieve a specific change objective. 



  • Develop/reinforce specific leadership skills critical for achieving the next step in the change process

  • Develop advanced leadership skills as a follow-up to the skills developed in the Leading Change programs

  • Provide periodic motivation to team leaders to increase their buy-in, engagement, and momentum of change

  • Communicate the purpose and methodology of the next step of the change strategy


High Impact - Low-Cost Training

The addition of the training provided by the PulseLeadership Training sessions delivered throughout the change process provides an additional 3 days of hi-impact, just in time leadership training at a very low cost. Also, providing a PulseLeadership Training before the PulseStrategy™ Sessions reduces the time needed per PulseStrategy™ Session by 30 minutes. In most situations, these cost savings alone is greater than the cost of the PulseLeadership Training. This solution allows organizations to provide their leaders with an additional 3 days of higher level leadership training at no extra cost to the change project. 



  • Increase the effectiveness of top leaders in implementing actions determined in the PulseStrategy™ Sessions

  • Continuously increases the leadership effectiveness of leaders throughout the organization and change process

  • Increase momentum throughout the transformation process

  • Reduces the time of a PulseStrategy™ Session by ½ hour 



The PulseLeadership Training sessions are offered to all leaders at a “pulse rhythm” of every 6 weeks. The PulseLeadership Training session is normally delivered right after the PulseStrategy™ presentation and before the PulseStrategy™ Sessions. If the PulseLeadership Training session is held prior to the PulseStrategy™ Sessions, the delivery time for each PulseStrategy™ Session can be reduced by ½ hr.

Employee Empowerment Program
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Employee Engagement Program

for Team Members


Once a majority of leaders are setting an example in implementing personal change, and the direction setting and continuous improvement systems are in place the focus shifts to ENGAGING team members. It is the level of engagement of employees that ultimately determines the strength of the change effort since it is the employees that will have to make the behavioral changes needed to create the desired culture. It most change efforts we see a sudden and dramatic jump in performance right after the Employee Engagement Programs; we call this phenomenon the “pop”. 


To provide the understanding, skills and motivation employees need to engage effectively  in the cultural change effort. 

Program Design 

This is a customized program. We provide a template for the program and then support the organization in customizing the modules to fit their change objectives.

Internal Delivery

The Employee Engagement Programs are usually delivered by the top leaders of the organization who are setting an example in implementing the desired changes. We provide these leaders with the coaching and support needed to effectively deliver their modules.

For Who 

All Team Members


1 day




Indicative Contents 

Review the Change Strategy

The workshop begins with a clear presentation of the vision, change strategy, what’s in it for them, their role, what is expected of them and what support they can expect to receive.


Define “Point B”

Participants are presented with the critical areas of the culture to change and are asked to help define the behaviors needed to achieve those changes and create the desired culture.


Develop Skills

The program develops the mindset and skills employees can implement the next day to help create the desired culture and begin improving performance.


Q&A Session with Top Leaders

The Q&A session the top leaders provides employees with an opportunity to ask the questions they need to determine the real commitment and alignment of the top team to the change effort. 


Results Expected 

For the Organization
  • Accelerate the performance improvement of teams

  • Increase the organization’s capacity to implement change

  • Develop the belief and motivation employees need fully participate in the change effort

  • Significantly increase the effectiveness of communication throughout the organization

  • Significantly increase the momentum of the change effort with increased motivation

  • Create a working environment that is more challenging, fun and satisfying to work in

For the Employee
  • Obtain a clear understanding of the desired culture and the steps to create it

  • Understand the role each person plays in the change effort

  • Acquire simple and practical skills that can be used immediately 

Fine-tune the strategy
Employee Engagement 
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