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Directing organizations through cultural change training program

Directing an organization through cultural change is one of the most challenging tasks any leader can undertake. It requires additional skills than those used to implement organization-wide technical changes or manage large projects.  Cultural change requires mastery in subjects such as: changing people’s behavior, overcoming resistance, motivating people, managing momentum, developing leadership effectiveness, and developing strategies and change systems that correctly balance the technical and human aspects of change.


To develop an in-depth understanding of cultural change critical for setting up and directing an organization through cultural change.


Who For

Management team and others responsible for implementing a cultural-change effort


Results Expected

This program develops the understanding needed to:

  • Create a robust cultural-change strategy and roadmap

  • Create the measurement tool and system critical for guiding the transformation process

  • Create a methodology to identify and remove inhibitors throughout the transformation

  • Define roles &responsibilities for each level of leadership and set clear expectations

  • Set up the system to support directors during the transformation process

  • Set up the systems to support team leaders in implementing the desired change


  • 1 day as a stand-alone training program

  • 2 days when part of a workshop used to set up a cultural-change effort

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How we use this program in cultural-change projects

This program develops an in-depth understanding of cultural change, critical for setting up a cultural change project and directing an organization through change. The program is often integrated into a 2-day workshop, during which we use the learning to fine-tune the cultural-change strategy, design the measurement tool, create the methodology to identify and remove inhibitors, and determine the support structures team leaders will need to implement the change.

This program is part of our Pulscipline™ Cultural Change System


Learning from the Success and Failures of Others
  • Review successes and failures of other organizations 

  • Common traps, blind spots, and derailment factors of cultural-change projects

  • Imperatives and best practices for implementing cultural change

Particularities of Cultural Change
  • Differences between cultural change, change management, and project management

  • The relationship between culture, leadership style, and behavior of employees

  • How the current culture can facilitate and inhibit cultural change

  • How people's habits can resist change, and how to change people's habits

Inhibitors of Change
  • 6 types of inhibitors (resistance and derailment factors)

  • How to overcome the initial wall of resistance

  • How to overcome the resistance of leaders and employees

  • How to identify and eliminate inhibitors throughout the transformation process

Measurement System
  • Key elements to include in the measurement system

  • How to create a measurement tool and system to ensure buy-in

  • How to use the measurement tool to guide the transformation process

Cultural-Change Strategy
  • Elements missing in most cultural-change strategies and the problems it causes

  • How to merge the culture and business strategies to achieve desired results

  • Principles of sequence and timing critical for creating a robust roadmap

  • Steps for implementing cultural change

Structure and Systems for Change
  • Support structures and systems critical for implementing cultural change

  • Leadership skills and systems needed to implement cultural change

  • Support systems for directors and team leaders

Directing the Cultural-Transformation Process
  • Role and responsibilities of the management team in directing change

  • Role and responsibilities of team leaders in implementing the desired changes

  • How to engage employees in the cultural-transformation effort

Managing the Energy of Change
  • How to create and manage a positive energy for cultural change

  • How to spread buy-in and engagement from leaders to employees

  • How to build momentum throughout the cultural-transformation process

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